Give a donation online
The Hinabi Project is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization with EIN 81-2982554. The Hinabi Project can accept donations by direct transfer or by wire. Please contact [email protected] for details about stock or other donations. Help us continue the living tradition of natural fiber weaving. Your support funds programs for food and health security; training a younger generation of weavers; developing marketing and design channels between U.S. and small manufacturing enterprises (SME) through exhibits and trade shows. All programs subscribe to the principles of sustainable development.
Thank You For Your Support.
Please make checks payable to “The Hinabi Project, Inc.” If you’re donating in honor of someone or a program, indicate this on the check’s memo line. Mail the check to: The Hinabi Project, 1320 Paloma Avenue, Burlingame, CA 94010. Receipts will be sent by email within two weeks.